Welcome office

What should you know before your final return to the Republic of Croatia? What useful information you should have? What to expect? What are the first steps you should take after you decide to return?

As we strive to make the return process to our emigrants as easy as possible and to remove obstacles Welcome Office was constituted for this purpose within Central State Office based on Article 56 and 57 of the Act on Relations of the Republic of Croatia with Croats Abroad. 

The main task of the Welcome Office is to facilitate the return process and  inclusion of emigrated Croats in general state system in the Republic of Croatia. The Office assists in solving many issues: how to apply for Croatian citizenship, obtain personal documents, register a car, validate foreign education qualifications.

Welcome Office provides information about custom duty exemptions on imported household goods and business inventory upon return to the Republic of Croatia and about tax relief for Croatian returnees/immigrants, natural and legal entities, when moving into Croatia and starting business in the Republic of Croatia – detailed information can be found on the website of State Office for Croats abroad, section: Useful information.
For Croatian returnees and immigrants who need additional help, Welcome Office provides mentor/advisor support.

Together with other departments within Central State Office for Croats abroad and other administrative bodies, Welcome Office represents the focal point to all Croatian people outside the Republic of Croatia and all Croatian returnees so as to make their return and inclusion process in general state system in the Republic of Croatia easier.

We believe that our employees will face all the challenges successfully and that Croats living all over the world who wish to return to the homeland, will turn to us with confidence. With our continuous and committed work we should constantly justify their trust.

We welcome all your proposals, queries and guidelines so as to make Central State Office for Croats abroad more efficient and to act as a bridge to all emigrated Croats that leads to the Homeland!

E: ured-dobrodoslice@hrvatiizvanrh.hr