Recognition of foreign higher education qualifications

Recognition is a formal acknowledgment of the value of a foreign education qualification or period of study, issued by the competent authority, for the purpose of the continuation of education or employment.
Croatian citizens, foreign citizens and persons without citizenship are entitled to the recognition of foreign education qualifications. Applicants can request recognition of various types and levels of education qualifications:
  • recognition of qualifications attesting the completion of primary education and secondary education (general, grammar and art education programmes) for the purpose of employment or continuation of education is under the authority of Education and Teacher Training Agency, Svetice 38, Zagreb. Applications for qualification recognition are submitted to the stated Agency.
  • recognition of qualifications attesting the completion of vocational secondary education programmes for the purpose of employment or continuation of education is under the authority of Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education, Amruševa 4, Zagreb. Applications for Recognition of qualifications are submitted to the stated Agency.
  • recognition for the purpose of continuation of primary or secondary education is under the authority of the educational institution  at which the applicant wishes to pursue his/her education.
  • recognition of primary education for the purpose of access to secondary education is  under the authority of the secondary school at which the applicant wishes to pursue his/her education.

For more information about the recognition of education qualifications visit the website of the Ministry of Science and Education.

Recognition of foreign higher education qualifications and a period of study:

Recognition for the purpose of the continuation of education in Croatia (academic recognition and recognition of periods of study) is under the authority of Croatian universities, polytechnics and colleges.

Recognition of foreign professional qualifications

The applicants who acquired foreign professional qualification ( formal education and additional training) and want to enter regulated profession ( the job which requires an additional training after completed formal education – e.g. secondary school, university, and then, if prescribed, has to take a  professional  exam) need to follow the process of recognition of foreign professional  qualifications.
The applicants make requests to the competent bodies for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications.

Assistance centre for providing information on the recognition of professional qualifications - National ENIC/NARIC Office of the Agency for Science and Higher Education is responsible for providing applicants with information on the recognition of professional qualifications
Persons who acquired professional qualifications abroad can get employment in the Republic of Croatia in line with their qualifications, work experience and interests under the same conditions as for persons who live and work in the Republic of Croatia.

If the person wants to pursue the regulated profession in the Republic of Croatia ( according to the List of regulated professions published at the website of Ministry of Labour and Pension System) and holds a foreign professional qualification, he or she  will make a request for the recognition of professional qualification to the competent chamber  or the ministry.

Recognition of foreign higher education qualifications for the purpose of employment (professional recognition), is under the authority of the Agency for Science and Higher Education, Croatian ENIC/NARIC Office.