Special Enrollment Quotas at Croatian Higher Education Institutions for Members of the Croatian National Minority and the Croatian Diaspora
In the academic year 2018/2019, with the introduction of a special enrollment quota for university students who are members of the Croatian national minority and the Croatian diaspora, one of the most important requirements in the field of education and science for our compatriots living outside the Republic of Croatia was fulfilled for the first time. This was also one of the conclusions of the Council of the Government of the Republic of Croatia for Croats Abroad.
The special quota applies to two categories of Croats outside the Republic of Croatia as defined in the Article 2 of the Act on Relations between the Republic of Croatia and Croats Outside the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette, Nos. 124/2011 and 16/2012): members of the Croatian national minority in 12 European countries (the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Bulgaria, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, the Italian Republic, the Republic of Kosovo, Hungary, Romania, the Republic of North Macedonia, the Slovak Republic, the Republic of Slovenia, and the Republic of Serbia) and Croatian emigrants in overseas and European countries and their descendants.
The project's success has been demonstrated by its recognition in the Croatian academic community and the increasing interest of members of the Croatian national minority and the Croatian diaspora in studying in the Republic of Croatia.
Croatian higher education institutions have ensured a special enrollment quota for students that are part of the Croatian national minority and the Croatian diaspora, thereby continuing one of the highly significant projects that aim to connect young Croats from abroad with their homeland, enabling them to come to Croatia, get to know the Croatian culture better, learn Croatian and experience the everyday life in Croatia, while at the same time receiving quality education at Croatian higher education institutions that are participants in the program. The institutions that are involved in this program are: the University of Zagreb, the University of Split, the University of Rijeka, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, the University of Zadar, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, the University of Dubrovnik, the University North, the Croatian Catholic University, and the "Lavoslav Ružička" Polytechnic in Vukovar.
Steps in the Process
First and foremost, it is important to point out that candidates are not required to take the State Graduation Exam (Državna matura) in the Republic of Croatia. To enroll in study programs under the special enrollment quota, candidates must register and apply through the system for admissions to higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia, which is available at www.postani-student.hr/Ucenici/Prijava.aspx.
After registration, candidates who completed secondary education outside Croatia (this category must be selected during registration) can choose higher education institutions and study programs in order of priority. It is essential to select the desired study program with the indication "Croats from abroad," because otherwise they won't be able to apply for the program under the special enrollment quota. Candidates can select up to 10 study programs, which should be prioritized because if all requirements are met, the system will grant the right to enroll based on the priority ranking. For example, if a candidate lists study programs from 1 to 10 and qualifies for all of them, they will only be able to enroll in their first choice of institution, listed as number 1. If a candidate qualifies for programs listed as numbers 4, 9, and 10, they will only be able to enroll in program number 4. After the results are published, candidates will receive an identification number for the study program they can enroll in. A table with a list of study programs available under the special enrollment quota will be published after higher education institutions announce their calls for enrollment. Once registered and logged into the system, each candidate must follow updates and announcements on their user profile, as one of those announcements will be the enrollment results sometime in July.
For a successful application process, in addition to registration and application via the system, candidates must send the required documentation by (physical) mail. All necessary documentation and steps in the process are available at https://www.studij.hr/sve-o-prijavama. As part of the application process, candidates must get their educational qualifications verified by the Agency for Science and Higher Education (Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje). Information about this process is available at https://www.studij.hr/priznavanje. Deadlines for all steps in the process are available in the upper-right corner under the "Documents" section and at https://www.studij.hr/kalendar.
It is important to emphasize that, in addition to the application described above, candidates must follow announcements and updates on the websites of the higher education institutions of their choice, as each institution may impose additional enrollment requirements. Candidates should also keep track of all other general and specific deadlines related to applications and enrollment.
Along with the documentation, candidates must request a Certificate of Belonging to the Croatian People, issued by the Central State Office for Croats Abroad. This certificate is a prerequisite for enrollment under the special enrollment quota intended for members of the Croatian national minority and the Croatian diaspora.
Certificate of Belonging to the Croatian People
In addition to applying to the desired faculty, candidates who wish to use the special enrollment quota must submit a request for verification of their foreign secondary school qualification and a request for issuing the Certificate of Belonging to the Croatian People.
The following documents are required for the Certificate:
1. Application form
2. Short autobiography (CV) and a statement of motivation for the application and request for the Certificate
3. Copy of valid travel documents from the applicant's country of citizenship
4. Proof of residence outside the Republic of Croatia
5. Birth certificate
6. Proof of belonging to the Croatian people - one of the following public documents belonging to the candidate, their parent, or an ancestor, if it includes information about Croatian nationality:
• Extract from the birth register/birth certificate
• School certificate or copy of the school’s student register
• Index (university student booklet)
• Work record booklet
• Military record booklet
• Marriage certificate
• Death certificate
• Baptism certificate
• Decision on acquisition of Croatian citizenship under Articles 16 or 11 of the Law
• Written statement from a leader of a Croatian minority/diaspora community or association
If belonging to the Croatian people is proven by a public document belonging to an ancestor, the kinship must also be demonstrated by submitting the parent’s birth certificate, or that of their parent, up to the ancestor of Croatian nationality.
The documents required for issuing the Certificate of Belonging to the Croatian People can be submitted in person, by mail, or via email at upisne-kvote@hrvatiizvanrh.hr. Originals must be presented upon receiving the Certificate.
For any additional questions, you can contact us by phone on +3851 6444 667.