Welcome Office

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The State Office for Croats Abroad is the central government body for relations between the Republic of Croatia and Croats outside the Republic of Croatia.

Main activities of the State Office for Croats abroad is defined in Article 13 of the Act on Relations of the Republic of Croatia with Croats Abroad and it encompasses:
  • coordination and monitoring of the activities between the competent ministries, other state administration bodies and other competent authorities for cooperation between the Republic of Croatia and the Croatians outside the Republic of Croatia, 
  • care for the protection of rights and interests of the Croatians outside the Republic of Croatia, 
  • care for the preservation and strengthening of the identity of the Croatians outside the Republic of Croatia, 
  • establishment, maintenance and promotion of the relations with the Croatians outside the Republic of Croatia, 
  • strengthening of cooperation with the Croatians outside the Republic of Croatia and  design of the communication strategy for the Croatians outside the Republic of Croatia, 
  • in cooperation with other competent ministries, conducting the  activities relating to the creation of conditions for the return of emigrants/Diaspora to the Republic of Croatia and their inclusion in the economic and social life in the Republic of Croatia, 
  • proposing a policy of encouraging of and assistance related to return and immigration,
  • conducting measures and programs for integration of Croatian returnees and immigrants, 
  • providing assistance in business investments, 
  • economic support for the return and sustainable survival of the Croatians as a constituent people in Bosnia and Herzegovina and of the Croatian minorities in the Republic of Serbia, Montenegro and the Republic of Kosovo, 
  • economic support for other Croatian communities if necessary, 
  • implementation of the Strategy and proposing projects and strategic plans, and monitoring their progress, 
  • keeping official  records of the Croatians outside the Republic of Croatia, 
  • planning and ensuring financial means to the Croatians outside the Republic of Croatia for programs and projects, and 
  • other activities regulated by a special law.

Act on Relations of the Republic of Croatia with Croats Abroad 
Act on Amendments to the Act on Relations of the Republic of Croatia with Croats Abroad